Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2-D Project One

In 2-D, our quilt project culminated in a final quilt. We had to think about elements we weren't thinking about in out smaller quilts such as size, pattern, material, and texture.

I made my quilt from ties. I opened the seams to create new shapes, and sewed the fabric sometimes with the back facing forward. This created more variety in the shapes, colors, and textures I had to work with. I tried to find a composition with interest and balance.

The quilt was well received in the crit. Ideas were brought up that I hadn't thought of before. The teacher commented on how its a blending of masculine and feminine associations: ties being associated with men and the act of quilting being associated with women. The patterns in the fabric also have a variety from humorous to traditional. The eye travels through the piece with the help of certain directional and contrasting shapes and colors.

The quilt measures roughly 15" X 40" as is made of hand sewn fabric.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Color Compositions

In 2-D, we've been learning to use color by experiementing. We've been selecting different colors, and trying to put them together so they look pleasing. These are three compositions I made with dyed paper. The one on the far left was made first and the one on the far right was made last.


In Drawing class this past week, we began using chalk pastels. We did two drawings using color. The one on the left was done first on 18 X 24 paper. The one on the right is roughly 30 X 40 inches.

Snow Pony

These are pictures of a Snow-Pony that my friend Sarah and I made. We used ornamental grass for the mane and tail. It's so tall, we could barely reach the head to put the ears on. It's so big and strong that a person can sit on it. The pony is supported by four individual legs made of columns of snow.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow: Part 2

I made this snow-woman outside of the Tyler School of Art building. The first reactions I got from people headed to the studios was "what class is this for?". I explaned that I just did it for fun. The hair made of ornamental grass was the part people liked best. I don't know that it's great art, but it was really fun to make.

Saturday, February 6, 2010



It will snow about two feet in Philadelphia by the end of today. Here are some pictures I took while heading to breakfast.

Friday, February 5, 2010

3-D Wire and Cardboard project

In this project, we had to create a wire and a cardboard component, and think about their relationship. The wire had to depict a truncated body part or small object. The cardboard had to create form through cross sections. Where the two met, we had to lay down paper and select one color to paint that area.

All in all, this project had many requirements, but I'm very happy with what I came up with. I chose to make a wire ankle. Inspired by the fact that a sprain my left ankle at least once a year without fail, I decided to have my wire ankle be slipping off a cliff. I wanted to show how weak and prone to injury it is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2-D Sketchbook from 1st Semester

An ongoing project throughout the year is the sketchbook project. "Artist Book" is a more appropriate term though, because it isn't really a sketchbook. Every week we do a number of pages. We experiment with new mediums, compositions, and ideas. In the end, we bind the pages into a book which is graded. The pages are experimental, but viewed as finished and resolved pieces.

These are some of what I consider the best pages from last semester when we couldn't use color.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Compressed Charcoal

There was a passionate conversation during our break today about compressed charcoal verses vine charcoal. Compressed charcoal lasts longer, is darker, and is harder to erase. I had been using vine charcoal before the break, so I decided to try out compressed charcoal after the break. The finished drawing is much darker than my earlier ones. I think both kinds of charcoal are good for different things.

Drawing - 2nd Semester

Today was the first day we got to draw in Drawing class. Here are 3 figure studies I did. Each was a 15 minute drawing in vine charcoal on 18" X 24" paper.