In 3-D foundations class, we learned the process of slip casting. Slip (a clay and water mixture) is poured into a plaster mold. The plaster absorbs some of the water from the slip and creates a hard shell of clay. The excess slip is poured out of the mold, and when dried, the hallow clay object can be removed. The slip objects were fired in a kiln to make them finished ceramic pieces.
I chose to cast some small plastic Easter bunnies. I created a gang mold with three bunnies inside one mold. This allowed me to make 3 bunnies with each cast. I ended up with 153 bunnies in the end.
The assignment was to organize the slip cast objects based on an organizational system we researched. After much thought, I settled on creating a political map of Pennsylvania with the bunnies. I combined a population density map with a map of the most recent presidential election results. I put the map below the balcony overlooking the basement by the photography area of Tyler. This way, one could view the map from above, and also go down the stairs to see the bunnies up close.