This project was a group project that me and my friends Josh and Katie did. Our 3-D class was challenged by the other Wood Shop 3-D class to make a response to their Yeti project. They made sculptures of Yetis that they put in the large green hallway at Tyler. For a response, our class decided to defend against Yetis.
Our group decided to defend against the Yetis by putting a Yeti Detector by the front door to Tyler and "wanding down" people as they entered the building as airport security does (the wand and the detector searched for Yeti DNA instead of metal).
It was a short lived performance piece but we had a lot of fun doing it and putting it together. Some people loved the idea and got really into the new Yeti defending security measures. Others were less thrilled to be "wanded down". All in all though, it was a fun project that nicely complimented the other group's performance piece of recruiting people to join in an Anti-Yeti-Alliance Army.
These pictures show the Yeti Detector, the process of "wanding down", and me sporting the Yeti Defense uniform.
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